Where to go for your next vacation? Do you want to travel to the top of the mountains or to dive to the bottom of the sea? Well, these travel ideas might only be interesting for the happy few with special interests. But anyway the World is offering a staggering number of fantastic travel destinations of which some are much more accessible than others.
This article will open your eyes for some of the best vacation spots in the World and also mention some of the best travel sites to provide further information before you book one of the vacation packages.
Whatever you are looking for one of the budget vacation packages or you are searching for true luxury holidays you should realize that you are not only spending money to go on vacation. You are also spending a part of your life during that time of vacation. We have a limited time living -we all know that.
We benefit from spending our time in such a way that we can look forward to our future travel destinations with pleasure, during the travel period we should experience a great time and – very important – when we get back from our vacation we should have nice travel memories from the holidays to keep for the future. It is human nature to live with the memories as an important part of our quality of life. The more different travel tours we experience compared to our daily life the stronger memories they will generate – often as travel memories for life.
Personally I am a big fan of holidays on islands. Top travel destinations will include a number of island vacations in my future and also in my travel suggestions here.
So where are the best vacation spots: Let us divide the answer in some travel categories?
Many of the Caribbean islands will live up to such a travel profile:
Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Aruba, Bahamas, Barbados, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Martinique, Montserrat, Netherlands Antilles, Puerto Rico, Saint Barthélemy, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Martin (France), Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago, Turks and Caicos, United States Virgin Islands (US Virgin Islands). These islands are all blessed with local beautiful sandy beaches, blue water, a tropical scenery and easy access to some sport facilities, water sports etc. And the food is usually delicious.
Especially the Spanish speaking islands for vacation will live up to the relaxed atmosphere.
I must admit that a few of these islands could also be included in the next category, for example Tobago, with its lush rainforest, unspoiled bird life and attractive nature in general. In US you should take a serious view on Sanibel Island in Florida and Padre Island in Texas. They offer great vacation packages to a reasonable price.
These more exotic travel destinations will provide you with extraordinary memories and open a new world for your understanding of the world and how people live and how nature is far from your homeland.
Greenland is such an exotic travel destination. You can go there all year round but with very different experience. The daylight during the night in the summertime gives you lot of time to experience this outstanding island – the biggest island of the world. You will never forget a travel to Greenland.
Madagascar is the big island east of Africa in the Indian Ocean – a huge island with extraordinaire nature and a very interesting culture of the local tribes. Many species of birds other animals and plants are only living here. I am sure you have seen some glimpses of these exotic animals on TV.
The Galapagos Islands – these unique islands are difficult not to mention in a list of some of the best vacation ideas. Most tourists come to The Galapagos Islands with one of the travel packages offered from local travel agencies through your travel agent in your country. A trip to Galapagos will always be a cruise trip as tourist will live on a cruse ship to be able to visit the different islands of the Galapagos archipelago. I prefer a smaller boat for a bigger cruise ship for the best Galapagos experience. Expect to come very close to breeding birds, reptiles and sea lions. A once in a lifetime experience.
The most attractive remote luxurious travel destinations I will reveal for you is Bird Island in The Seychelles Islands and Heron Island at the east coast of Australia, The luxury isn’t that much the overwhelming provision of buildings, furniture and facilities but the outstanding place and atmosphere. You can find many luxurious travel destinations that boost much more an artificial setting – but before you decide for that, take a look at the Seychelles with Bird Island. Bird Island is a private island with no other hotel but the Bird Island Lodge – a true tropical paradise and a bird watcher’s dream come through.